I was trying to add NZBSooti as a content provider but kept getting an invalid URL error. The log said that NZBSooti is not a newznab site even though it iis.
Has anyone else run into this issue?
I was trying to add NZBSooti as a content provider but kept getting an invalid URL error. The log said that NZBSooti is not a newznab site even though it iis.
Has anyone else run into this issue?
I have the same problem adding it as well.
Added it without issue using the following information.
URL: https://www.nzbsooti.com
API Key: taken from profile page
I am having the same fault message in Drone. Note that I have NZB Sooti loaded and working in CP & NZB Megasearh
Can someone clear their logs then try adding it again and then provide those logs? I can’t reproduce it and without logs I won’t be able to begin troubleshooting it.
Text attributes Italic, bold, `monospace`.
Ya i have the same problem on a new instalation.
This is the error i get.
Failed to get response from: http://nzbsooti.com/api?t=tvsearch&cat=5030,5040&extended=1&apikey=000000000000000&limit=100&rid=7926&season=8&ep=8 The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
If you fire off the same URL in Chrome you get a XML file
Removed <
rss xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:newznab="http://www.newznab.com/DTD/2010/feeds/attributes/" version="2.0"> channel> atom:link href="https://www.nzbsooti.com/api?t=tvsearch&cat=5030,5040&extended=1&apikey=000000000000000" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/> title>Welcome to NZBSooti</title> description>Welcome to NZBSooti Feed</description>
Try using: https://www.nzbsooti.com
note the https
and the www
. They seem to be doing a redirect which drone doesn’t like.
Same Error
im also trying to add https://index.nzbgeek.info/ when i try to doo it says Invalid Newznab URL entered
running v btw
I get that error if I don’t put anything in for the API key.
If I put in an incorrect API key I get an API Key error.
If I put in a valid API key it adds successfully.
hmm i reverted back to Ver. and now everything works?
Spoke to soon i can add a index without the error Invalid Newznab URL entered
but still get
FetchFeedService Newznab https://www.nzbsooti.com/api?t=tvsearch&cat=5030,5040&extended=1&apikey=fddddddd&limit=100&rid=30715&season=2&ep=1 The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. 5:01 PM HttpProvider Failed to get response from: https://www.nzbsooti.com/api?t=tvsearch&cat=5030,5040&extended=1&apikey=ddddd&limit=100&rid=30715&season=2&ep=1 The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
671 didn’t do the validation before adding an indexer.
What system is drone running on? Do you have .net 4.5 installed (comes built-in with Windows 8 and 8.1). Sounds a lot like this error, but the message is different: http://forums.nzbdrone.com/discussion/210/ssl-indexer-not-working
Now that’s a freaking good spot ;))) had a server crash so I reinstalled Windows and only with .net 4.0. Everything work.