I’ve setup Sonarr to read torrents from an RSS feed and send to transmssion. Within sonarr everything appears to be set correctly, including the Download Client setting having category “sonarr” set. This maps to /media/hdd3/downloads/torrent/sonarr. This contains all of Transmissions sonarr-sent downloads atm.
However, when I manually Pause any sonarr torrent, it never gets deleted later. It stays in transmission forever. Sonarr does correctly make a copy of the download and place it in the relevant TV destination. But nothing happens to the original media file in the /torrent/sonarr directory.
Completed download handling is enabled.
There is no seed target set, as this is a very small private torrent distribution system - there is often no peers, only the main seeder, hence the manual pausing.
It isn’t a huge problem, as I already considered a script to pause torrents in order for Sonarr to delete them, It wouldn’t take much to have the script just remove the transmission entry and file - would just have to be careful to make sure Sonarr isn’t busy copying it.
Would also request an additional feature of force-removing a torrent on completion, regardless of seed status.
Torrent ID 1 is marked as stopped within the client.
Think Sonarr may be relying on isFinished to be set? I think Transmission only sets this if some ratio or other is reached. Perhaps better to rely on Status?
Thats correct, it does use the isfinished property. Relying purely on the state is not possible, as there is no way to determine why the state was set (which is why we use isFinished), otherwise we could remove a torrent that is paused for a legitimate reason, even if seeding hasn’t finished.
If the torrent has already been imported by Sonarr and the torrent is manually paused in the client you could remove it manually, remove completed will operate properly if the torrent meets the seeding criteria though.
Unfortunately I doubt there is a way to set the seeding criteria to cope with a situation where isFinished is set without having seeded anything (being that there are no peers).
It would be awesome to have an option for such a scenario. Check leftuntildone and eta are at appropriate values, and have an option within sonarr to force remove torrents in this condition?
We don’t want to guess if its done, Transmission needs to tell Sonarr its done. If you want to stop seeding a torrent early you can remove it directly from Transmission and Sonarr will stop tracking it.
But if a torrent is at -1 eta and leftuntildone at 0, then it is done. There is no guessing required.
And even if there was, having an option set whereby a user has opted to remove completely downloaded torrents, should suffice for any other condition. No?
Just because the torrent isn’t currently seeding doesn’t mean it won’t, if you’re not actively seeding data and the tracker requires a minimum seed time (ratioless trackers) then you wouldn’t want it removed.
Sorry, we’re not looking to add additional cases when a completed torrent is removed, its unnecessary complexity for a smaller subset of users.