I have transmission setup as a download client, and it’s mostly working great. I would like to be able to use categories to keep my torrents separate, but I can’t seem to get it to work. With nothing in the category setting for transmission, Sonarr shows torrent downloads as expected in the Activity section. When I set a category in the transmission settings, nothing shows.
For transmission, sonarr is not really using a category if I recall correctly, since that functionality doesn’t exist in transmission. Sonarr will create a subfolder in the transmission downloads folder, with the category name.
E.g. X:\Transmission\Downloads\sonarr
I think if you change/add the category in sonarr, shows currently downloading in transmission will disappear in sonarr, because it starts to look in the …\Downloads\sonarr folder rather than …\Downloads from that point on.
After you set the category, for new downloads sonarr will track them correctly, because it will tell transmission from the beginning to put them in the …Downloads\sonarr subfolder.
Not sure if I’m making sense here.
I don’t know if transmission has functionality to change the path of “in progress” downloads. If yes, you could change those to the sonarr subfolder and they should be tracked in sonarr again…
Yes, the ‘group’ functionality is only present in the OSX version of Transmission.
Thanks for the help. I was able to get it sorted out, and it’s now working as expected.
A post was split to a new topic: Importing from Transmission