Sonarr version (exact version): latest
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Trying to add my Trakt watchlist, but it wont connect. I’m pasting in just my exact user name and list name as shown in the list url, it authenticates fine, but when i hit test no joy. My profile is not set to private, and my VPN is off. What am i missing?
[v3.0.6.1342] NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpException: HTTP request failed: [404:NotFound] [GET] at []
Your list is not accessible
How do i make it accessible?
Created a new list and it allowed me to make it public, so all working. No idea how you make the default one public though!
Update on this. On trakt when I add to list, it always adds to the default (inaccessible) list. So to add to my custom list, I have to then go to my lists and toggle a button, all a bit clunky!
So I’ve established with Trakt support that the default profile setting is public, so why is it blocked?, and that you can’t delete that list either!
So if anyone knows how I can either add to my custom list directly, or how to make the first list public (the custom one was a simple toggle, and I still think this is the issue), would be grateful.
At least it’s working so this is just a minor inconvenience.
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