I have done a few searches and nothing so far has hit this topic 100%. I understand and know that you do not support unraring of archives, this is not what this topic is about.
I use Sonarr to shoot through to ruTorrent the torrent file (seedbox - both on same box). It gets added to ruTorrent fine and with a label. However, half the time the TV shows contain RAR’s and the other half it is MKV, etc.
Sonarr appears to move the MKV file and sort it correctly. However, the part/split rar’s are just left and not sorted/moved by Sonarr.
Sonarr doesn’t process RAR files at all and won’t move them, they will need to be extracted so Sonarr can import the video file, but the RAR files will need to be cleaned up outside of Sonarr (A Custom Script in Sonarr might be useful there).
Because it is being seeded, I don’t really want it extracted. I just want all the directories with rar’s in them to be sorted into the TV folders.
If this is not possible and Sonarr are not considering this, is there anyway to tell Sonarr to only download releases (torrents) that have the video file and no rar files?
I’ve personally disabled trackers that allow RAR’s,
I only use them for manual search and disabled RSS search.
This way i can manual check the torrent first before downloading a lame RAR file from a tracker.
Hi TRaSH. Thanks for the reply. I am not sure if I can do that, as I only use one source (primarily) for the torrents, that source does both video files and rar’s.