Torrents - Ready for Testing

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I am having some difficulties setting up torrent blackhole. First I tried setting it up with CDH on, When the torrent finishes, it is moved out of the blackhole watched folder and is no longer available for seeding, which is my problem. I had use links instead of copy switched on. Then I tried turning CDH off and the episodes don’t get imported. How can I have nzbdrone import the episodes and leave them available to seed? I also have drone factory folder off. Thanks for your help.

Edit: I tried turning drone factory folder on and pointing it to the same folder as the torrent blackhole watched folder. However same issue, the files are moved when imported and do not seed after import.

Edit 2: No matter what I tried, the episodes weren’t preserved for seeding purposes using torrent blackhole. As a result I just had to give up on blackhole for now and go back to transmission. The reason I was trying torrent blackhole was so I could give synology download station a try, but I’m giving up on that until it is officially supported.

Heya Taloth, any insight in when the Torrents build will be merged with dev build? :slight_smile:

No, if will be merged after we cleanup a few things. As a rule we don’t provide ETAs, things are always changing and people are disappointed when the estimate isn’t met.

Love the torrent version.
It would be nice to add more torrent provider like The Pirate Bay, and torrent bytes.
Thanks for a great product.

Hi Taloth

Since version completed download handling has stopped working for me. I have sonarr set to copy downloaded files from utorrent but since yesterday all files fail to import saying the files are locked.
I have enough free space left on the drive and the correct user rights granted to sonarr.
Here is the trace log for an episode of south park snatched recently:

@sammy2142 Confirmed and fixed.

Guys, it’s happening, we’re merging to the develop branch. Which means the torrents branch will no longer be updated.

You’ll have to change ‘torrents’ to ‘develop’ in Settings->General->Updates->Branch if you want to keep getting updates.

Edit: FYI. You won’t need other configuration changes, just switch branches to continue get updates for torrent-related stuff (and other).

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@Taloth When does this go into effect? IE when can I switch and not worry about botching an update?

Immediately. Its available right now.

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I’m using develop with uTorrent and the Completed Download Handling with Remove on in advanced settings. When does Sonarr remove a finished torrent? I’ve got a lot of seeding torrents, but my download disk is a small SSD so when it hits 1:1 I would like to delete the torrent and file. Is this supported and if so, what am I doing wrong…

You need to go into utorrent settings and open queue options. Here you can set seed goals and seeding time and tell utorrent to stop torrents when they have reached these goals.

Once you have this setup sonarr will automatically delete completed torrents that have imported successfuly and finished seeding.

Quick question regarding torrents branch, does this have the capabilities to move files to the tv shows folder from downloads folder after it is being completed? And still continues to seed?

Another question, does it have iptorrents provider in the list?

Yes. By default sonarr will copy files to your TV directory so they can continue seeding. If you enable the “remove” option under completed download handling, sonarr will also remove/delete torrents that have finished seeding if they have already been imported successfuly. You must also set up seeding goals in your torrent client for the remove option to work.

And another yes. Iptorrents support is included. Please see:

To see all included indexers.

that worked perfectly, thanks

BTW, we just added redirect logic to our update servers, everyone in the torrent branch will automatically be switched back to develop branch over the coming days.

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Is there a way to see seeds and peers when manually for torrents?

Manually searching? Not at the moment.

This topic is now closed. Please open a specific topic if you are having issues with Torrent support.