Torrent hardlink not working

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: LSIO docker
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

I have two LSIO Sonarr docker instances that are configured pretty similarly (except for the directory structure). One resides in a native Debian Linux server and hardlinking completed torrent downloads work just fine. The other resides in a Synology NAS and I’m seeing different inodes (so it copies instead of hardlinking even though I have it set to hardlink) for the source and linked files. This happens to both Sonarr and Radarr on the same NAS. Here’s the debug logs for Sonarr:

Here’s an inode difference sample:

root@synology:~# ls -i /volume1/common/downloads_complete/deluge_alvin/S.W.A.T.2017.S04E05.1080p.WEB.H264-GGWP/s.w.a.t.2017.s04e05.1080p.web.h264-ggwp.mkv
1251742 /volume1/common/downloads_complete/deluge_alvin/S.W.A.T.2017.S04E05.1080p.WEB.H264-GGWP/s.w.a.t.2017.s04e05.1080p.web.h264-ggwp.mkv

root@synology:~# ls -i /volume1/alvin/video/shows/S.W.A.T.\ \(2017\)/Season\ 04/S.W.A.T.\ \(2017\)\ -\ S04E05\ -\ Fracture\ -\ \[WEBDL-1080p\]\ \[EAC3\ 5.1ch\]\ \[h264\ 8bit\ \]\ -\ \[GGWP\].mkv
694534 /volume1/alvin/video/shows/S.W.A.T. (2017)/Season 04/S.W.A.T. (2017) - S04E05 - Fracture - [WEBDL-1080p] [EAC3 5.1ch] [h264 8bit ] - [GGWP].mkv

Docker compose config for both Sonarr and Radarr in the Synology NAS:

I don’t see the import for that file in the logs and the debug logs are months old.

pretty sure the hardlink only works if both source and destination folders share a common parent path

ie if your download clients are saving to /volume2 and sonarr/radarr store on /volume1 its going to copy, not hardlink

i use a synology nas and hardlinking definitely works. the “transfer” is pretty much instant for a 4gb file when the paths have a common parent. when they didnt you could see it copying the data slowly across.

you may want to delete all the debug logs, as marcus said theyre months old, then set the logging to debug, once you have the data you can set it back to info or whatever level you like - then upload those debug logs. you want to capture a grab and the import of that file.

I posted the same issue in the radarr subreddit and someone suggested to use a common share for the completed downloads folder and the media folder which makes sense. I was using the same volume for both but different they are on different shared folder. /volume1/common/downloads_complete and /volume1/alvin/videos/movies so the docker container thinks they’re two different filesystems. I followed the suggestiok and have yet to test now.

As for debug logging, I keep it enabled all the time so that I won’t have to recreate the issue in cases like this. Is there anything wrong in keeping it enabled?

it’ll use more resources but if youre not seeing any impact then its fine.

Ok, that’s what I thought.

Problem solved after fixing the directory structure.

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