Torrent black listed comes back again & again

I have 2 torrents (2 épisodes of 2 different shows) that i can’t stop to download via utorrent.
They never come at the end of the torrent (no seeder, …) so after a few hours, i delete them from the queue and i specify “add to blacklist”.
But they re-appear in the download queue and utorrent a few seconds later.
How can i solve this ?

Sonarr Ver.


Ive had this before, just delete it without blacklisting…

Are there any errors on the logs?
Blacklisting doesn’t apply to Torrents, but it shouldn’t affect the ability to remove the torrent from uTorrent.

it does actually remove the torrent, it will disappear from the queue (for a few seconds), but its just it triggers another search to replace it, and adds the same torrent back in usually when you choose blacklist

if you dont choose blacklist all will be fine.

Ahh, makes sense. Thats pretty dumb.