Tonight Show Update Series Info

For some weird reason, the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon upcoming episodes isn’t being updated automatically. Once I go in and hit the Update Series button, it goes out about a week. Any ideas?



Is it up to date on thetvdb? Is it up to date on trakt?

Not directly related, but shows where drone gets its episode info from:

Appears to be up-to-date on both. TVDB is showing a total of 133 episodes (as is drone after a manual update). I just had to do the manual Update series to get the newest additions…

Do you think removing and re-adding the show might help? I guess that’s simple enough to do :smile:


10 hours ago tvdb/trakt may have been out of date and drone hadn’t yet refreshed.

I don’t see a reason why you need to remove it and re-add it.

Welll, this hadn’t updated since the 18th or before. I noticed missing shows and thus forced a manual update. I’ll monitor and report if it does it again after Friday.

Thanks markus!


trakt claims to update series every night, but thats not always the case, if you have issues again, check tvdb, then trakt, since they have to be updated in that order before drone will see the changes.