Toggle unmonitored Episodes automatically


I seem to have this issue where for some reason occasionally some of my episodes will re download a new episode despite already being on the disk

Happens on the occasionally series, I have “Ignore deleted episodes” as yes and “Download Propers” marked as no

I have noticed that the episode has upgraded to DVD from SDTV but is there something else that could trigger this am I missing any other settings, the quality cut off point is set to DVD but surely it wouldn’t search for a new episode once one is already seen on the disk.

Is there a way to have unmonitored toggle automatically so once you have got a episode it will not search again?

Please advise

Kind Regards

if your cut off is DVD then it did exactly as it was suppose to, it upgraded the quality until the cut off was met

It doesn’t search:

But as @dan said it sounds like your cutoff is higher than SDTV, set it to the lowest acceptable quality and Sonarr won’t download upgrades.