Timezone Weirdness

I’m new to NZBDrone, but it looks lovely and works well so far… Only current issue I’m facing is the timezone stuff. I live in GMT+1 (CET) and I grab a load of shows broadcast in the US and the UK. The US shows turn up on the calendar at the right time - in the middle of the night, but, for example UK X Factor also shows as broadcasting at 2am on Sunday morning when actually, to me it should be 6pm Saturday evening. Trakt seems to show the right time (5pm GMT) so I wonder why NZBDrone is displaying it incorrectly on the calendar?

Hopefully this post may shed some light on your issue.


I had a look at that before I posted… Doesn’t seem to cover my situation as: a) my timezone was set correctly in the first instance, and b) US shows are showing at the correct (relative) time, it’s only that UK shows are not - they’re showing as if they were US shows too… Thanks for the input though!

Seems to be a couple things going on here, ITV lists the show as airing at 8pm on Sat/Sun: http://xfactor.itv.com/ (https://db.tt/PLALudbx). Which would be 9pm for you. Another issue though is that trakt’s API returns it as airing in GMT-4/GMT-5 (so US East Coast) instead of GMT.

Support request to trakt: http://support.trakt.tv/forums/188762-general/suggestions/5094595-the-x-factor-wrong-timezone

Thanks for following this up, Mark!