This webpage is not available

I am trialling Nzbdrone of late however I keep having a recurring fault on two (2) totally different windows 7 machines. Basically I cant get nzbdrone to start in my Chrome browser & keep getting the webpage is not available fault. I have the program stored under c:programs(86) & I am starting the exe file as administrator. I can usually get nzbdrone going after I reboot the computer in question however failing a reboot it just won’t start. Am I missing something. I have been impressed with nzbdrone as a Sickbeard replacement in the mail however this start issue is frustrating me to the extent that I end up going back to Sickbeard to download shows.

Can you move it to a non-protected location? There are a number of files NzbDrone needs to be able to write to and while running as admin should do it, its better to have it in a place where it can write freely.

What do the log files for NzbDrone say if the web server is crashing it should be logging (it should log plenty of stuff in there).


Thanks for your reply. Its not that is crashes its that it wont start. When I hit the start button we have an approx 30 second wait & then my Google browser starts up. On the top tab of the browser I have HTTP://localhost:8989/is not available. Within the actual screen of the browser we have a “reload” button a “more” button and a Google message saying this web page is not available. There has been the odd occasion where Google has crashed but its not common. Next time this occurs I will send you the info. When you say move it to a file where it can write freely do you mean another file except my program file directory. i.e my documents or something.I will check the NzbDrone logs and if info exists I will forward in another post as I cant open the program right now ( the above problem) & will have to reboot my computer to open NzbDrone.


Log files are available on disk inside the NzbDrone directory.

Some AV programs have also caused NzbDrone to behave abnormally unless its added as an exclusion. Both AVG and Avast if I recall correctly.

Does it work with another browser as I have seen chrome return a not available page on first load as well. Try posting the same address in another browser and see if you have a different result.

I have added an exception to my Trend virus protection and it seems to have fixed the issue. I will keep an eye on it over the next few days and update the post accordingly.
Thanks for your help guys