I recently fixed an API issue I was having with my sonar install not grabbing NZB from my indexer, formerly all of my tv downloads were coming from torrents and everything worked, sonar is now grabbing NZBs from my indexer and my connection is maxing out nicely from my news provider. The issue I am now getting is that files are being moved from sabnzb to the tv folder but there is no folder for the series I am downloading being created, the files are sat within the tv folder exactly as they were downloaded, I checked sab setting and TV sorting is set to disabled but movie sorting is set to enabled so I am not sure what is going wrong. Any pointers how I can fix this or where I should be looking appreciated, also how can I get sonar to spot the files in the TV folder and do its stuff ?
Don’t have SAB put unsorted files in the sorted series folder, put them in a separate location and let Sonarr import them. To figure out why its not importing them check Sonarr’s queue and make sure they are showing, if not make sure Completed Download Handling is enabled, beyond that look at the log files. If you want us to take a look we need all the information that was requested when you opened this thread.
thanks for the reply, i have checked sab and TV series sorting is not enabled, having looked at sonars queue none of them are in there, however they are showing up in the history as being grabbed, the said files are physically in the /mnt/user/tv folder albeit un renamed and unsorted. Before i carry on with diagnosing the problem and experimenting i really need to get sonar to see the errant folders in the /tv folder and have it sort and move them. Looking at the log i keep seeing that it cant find the root folder /tv i dont know how this has got broken but i have set the paths in the docker config as /mnt/user now and its let me browse to the /tv folder in sonar. so before i experiment with this i really need to get these 100+ episodes sorted out of the root of the /tv folder and have the season folders created and files moved into them…can it be done ? or will i have to physically move them back into the downloads folder ?
Sonarr gets the location to import from SAB’s API if they are in the the same location that SAB is reporting (and Sonarr can access them). then it will import the ones it picks up (which is the last 30 items in history), for anything else you should be able to use Manual Import from the Wanted: Missing page.
Still having trouble with this …I’m pretty sure sab is doing its job…couch potato is set to look in my /mnt/user/downloads/complete folder and films are renamed and put in correct folders…sonar I have told to do the same and tv sorting is disabled in sab so as to let sonar deal with them but they just keep appearing in /mnt/user/tv folder unnamed and not put into season folders…I also can’t seem to get sonar to import them…sonar keeps complaining about /tv folder not existing although it’s pointed to it … my docker path settings settings are pointing to /mnt/user which should then let me set the tv within sonar ?..confused to say the least.
It depends on the exact error message and how Sonarr knows about the path, it either needs o see the exact same path (the full path), or it needs to be told how to get to that path through a remote path mapping. Without logs we can’t help further as we don’t know what the actual issue is, we’re just guessing.
You should also keep sorted and unsorted files separate so SAB shouldn’t be putting things into the TV folder.
Sorry for delay in replying, i have attached logs from sonarr and also i have added sabs log if it is of any use. cant seem to upload a .txt file so i have put them on my google drive.
This is driving me mad, doesnt seem to make any sense and i cant gather any clues from the logs, deluge downloads fine and files are renamed and moved…tearing my hair out
Your debug logs aren’t useful because you didn’t enable debug logging and it only contains information about the startup…
That’s why we ask for them on hastebin (or similar), google drive is fine.
[v2.0.0.4146] System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Root folder ‘/tv’ was not found.
Looks like the series’ folder is set wrong, unless its supposed to be /tv/series title if its supposed to be in /tv then its permissions preventing Sonarr from accessing it.
My tv folder on unraid is /mnt/user/tv. This is where I tell sonarr to create series folders which it does with regard to deluge. Sab is set to download files to /mnt/user/downloads/incomplete. When it’s unrared and repaired files if needed, sab then moves them to /mnt/user/downloads/complete. That’s where I tell sonarr to look for imports. I have linked to my debug.txt. not sure whether I should delete the docker and start from scratch.
I enabled debug logging… possibly didn’t save but that files timestamp was recent. I can’t seem to set /mnt/user/tv/ in the main settings been in series editor I set them all to /mnt/user/tv/
Where are you trying to set that? You don’t need to set the location where files are imported to, thats set on the series itself.
The log file is the same:
16-6-20 16:12:56.9|Info|Bootstrap|Starting Sonarr - /usr/lib/sonarr/NzbDrone.exe - Version
16-6-20 16:12:57.2|Info|AppFolderInfo|Data directory is being overridden to [/config]
Not sure why its different and seeming to work now…i took the thermo-nuclear approach…the only thing different i did was to to set the paths in the docker settings to /mnt/user/ as you can see from the picture, read/write is set ?