The "WANTED" page

New user to NzbDrone having only switched over from SickBeard in the last week.

Sorry if this has been answered before, but I couldn’t find it using the search tool.

Can someone explain what the WANTED page is for please ??

I have 85 pages of of “missing” TV episodes, but it’s because I have previously watched and deleted them.

How do I stop NzbDrone from listing these episodes please ??

Also, what is the “Cutoff Unmet” tab for please ??


In your quality settings you can set a cutoff quality. So let’s say you want at least 720p and all you have are DVD rips, Drone will keep downloading files until the cutoff is met.

If you want to stop watching for single episodes, seasons or entire series, you can toggle the “monitored” flag in front of it. If you’re not monitoring something, the episode it applies to will be ignored.

Thanks NMe.

I’ve sorted out all of my “missing” episodes now.

Not sure about the Cuttoff Unmet ones though. For those listed, will NZBDRONE just continue to try and get the quality I want and replace what’s already there ??

OK… good to know… Still, I think we still need sorting option (per TV show, etc…) and options to have more items per page because in this section specifically… it’s just confusing a bit.
***I’m a new user coming from SB and loving NZBDrone (like most users here I presume :))

@CBers said:
Not sure about the Cuttoff Unmet ones though. For those listed, will NZBDRONE just continue to try and get the quality I want and replace what’s already there ??


Thanks NMe.