The "Epic Fail" _Port XXXX is already in use_ error (solved)

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows10
Debug logs: NA
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here. Post in .txt not .doc, .rtf or some other formatted document)
Description of issue:

I always got this error whenever I tried manually starting the process through its shortcut. No matter what I did, it kept throwing this error in my face.

it didn’t matter at all if I first ran netsh http delete urlacl url=http://*:8989/
which incidentally always threw an error if I didn’t use the exact Bind IP (
NetSh also threw the same error if I used or which to me indicates that only the through Sonarr configured IP address was registered

No matter if I first executed the shortcut via Run as Admininistrator, I always had to use Run As Admin to make it start without that Epic Fail dialog,

Seeing as the netsh command was suggested using the asterisk to cover all interfaces, I finally decided to go into the Sonarr configuration and changed the bind address to use all interfaces by entering an asterisk there instead of the IP of my machine (

That was the only thing that finally made it possible to just manually execute the process (I hate having to run stuff as a service if it’s not necessary to run constantly)

Which begs the question “what is the point of specifying a specific Bind Address” if you have to deal with this major annoyance and get forced as it were to always run the process as an administrator to bypass that error?

If the URL is registered with something other than * you need to specify the IP in order to remove it.

The original point was to only listen on a certain interface, but it doesn’t work that way.It actually registers the IP as a URL to bind to, so you can no longer access it by hostname, a public IP or something else. This isn’t something we can work around at this time as it’s core to the web server Sonarr uses. We do hope to replace the webserver, but that’s not feasible at this time.

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