The Ellen degeneres show not downloading

I added the Ellen degeneres show but it doesn’t show any releases when I search for them. If I search my self I can see there are releases, so I don’t know what the problem is.

Probably poorly named and what Sonarr is searching for doesn’t find any episodes.

The only difference I see is the year is before the date when I search and so are has the year after the date. Is there anyway to change the way it’s searches?

It uses a date instead of Season + Episode, did you set the series type to Daily?

Yes it’s set to daily.

Does a manual search show any results?
Also try turning off verified-only results (advanced setting for KAT and RARBG).

Manual search doesn’t show anything and I use omgwtfnzb.

What do debug logs of a search show? (Hastebin them and we can take a look). Looking at omg’s results I don’t see any issues with the way its named, as the releases use a common naming format.

looks like it is grabbing then now?

Edit: its back to not showing any results, but it did download a few episodes.

Sounds like a problem with their API then, their site was really slow earlier.

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