Testing anime branch

Few comments/request/bug :

• [Feature] Per season or at least per show whitelist / blacklist of release group, (bonus : fetched from anidb group list)

• [Comment] Not necessarly related to anime and I know it has already been discussed but I believe webrip should not be considered as web-dl, I have seen lots of webrip which were worst than hdtv

• [Bug] When fanzub return to many result, sometime the correct episode number is not found even though it exist on fanzub. Example :

        •In drone automatic search fails for first episode of Fate/Zero fails
        •When I search for "Fate zero" on fanzub I get two page worth of result
        •When I search for "Fate zero 01" on fanzub I only get about 25 result.

I think adding the episode number without season number is an acceptable way to filter down the number of result from fanzub. (It’s the way I’ve always done)

• [Bug] Some result on Fanzub are incorrectly parsed as hdtv-720p example : [Commie] Ping Pong - 01 [C72FE0AD].mkv

• [Bug] Parsing group error :

        • Grabbed : Hamatora.S01E01.1080p.WEBRip.x264-ANiHLS
        • Extracted file : anihls-ham.s01e01.1080p.webrip 
        • Group parsed : ham

I believe the reason for the mismatch between grabbed and downloaded name is newzab using the name inside the nfo instead of the file name. Not sure what is the proper way to handle that.

• [Bug] I checked in the db and since switching to the anime branch, all the release group in episodefiles have all been reseted to “DRONE”

Anyway congrats and keep up the good work, this is already more functional imho than the sb anime branch has ever been

@caddish said:
Few comments/request/bug :

• [Feature] Per season or at least per show whitelist / blacklist of release group, (bonus : fetched from anidb group list)

Already on Trello

• [Comment] Not necessarly related to anime and I know it has already been discussed but I believe webrip should not be considered as web-dl, I have seen lots of webrip which were worst than hdtv

All Netflix rips are WEBRips, they need to land somewhere, WEBDL is the logical choice.

• [Bug] When fanzub return to many result, sometime the correct episode number is not found even though it exist on fanzub. Example :

        •In drone automatic search fails for first episode of Fate/Zero fails
        •When I search for "Fate zero" on fanzub I get two page worth of result
        •When I search for "Fate zero 01" on fanzub I only get about 25 result.

I think adding the episode number without season number is an acceptable way to filter down the number of result from fanzub. (It’s the way I’ve always done)

Just merged in a fix that should fix this.

• [Bug] Some result on Fanzub are incorrectly parsed as hdtv-720p example : [Commie] Ping Pong - 01 [C72FE0AD].mkv

Its because the .mkv extension defaults to HDTV-720p (it always has), not likely to change to that, but I’ll look at cleaning it up.

• [Bug] Parsing group error :

        • Grabbed : Hamatora.S01E01.1080p.WEBRip.x264-ANiHLS
        • Extracted file : anihls-ham.s01e01.1080p.webrip 
        • Group parsed : ham

I believe the reason for the mismatch between grabbed and downloaded name is newzab using the name inside the nfo instead of the file name. Not sure what is the proper way to handle that.

This is part of a problem that also affects standard series, not something we’re looking at right now, but something down the road.

• [Bug] I checked in the db and since switching to the anime branch, all the release group in episodefiles have all been reseted to “DRONE”

No existing files were changed or reset, it will default to DRONE if it can’t detect the release group though. Did you start from scratch or upgrade from another install?

Anyway congrats and keep up the good work, this is already more functional imho than the sb anime branch has ever been

@markus101 said:
Already on Trello

Great !

All Netflix rips are WEBRips, they need to land somewhere, WEBDL is the logical choice.

I understand, yet I think they are closer to hdtv, since they are conversion from an highly compressed “broadcast” kind of source that can often have artefact and short drop of resolution, whereas web-dl are properly compressed from the original source, so you get a quality that has been “approved” by the content owner. Anyway just my honest opinion, in the mean time I have blacklisted webrip

Just merged in a fix that should fix this.

Great this is the main bug I encountered

Its because the .mkv extension defaults to HDTV-720p (it always has), not likely to change to that, but I’ll look at cleaning it up.

It was a safe assumption since most normal tv show in mkv are 720p or more, especially when they are already on disk without the original file name. But in the case of anime when they still have their usenet name if 720p is not present in the name they are not 720p regardless of the extension. Not sure how you should handle it though, I’ll try to see if adding a minimum size to hdtv-720p quality helps

This is part of a problem that also affects standard series, not something we’re looking at right now, but something down the road.
Nothing urgent on this one

No existing files were changed or reset, it will default to DRONE if it can’t detect the release group though. Did you start from scratch or upgrade from another install?

I manually upgraded from 1562 develop to 1561 anime (now that I think about it, this could be the reason). In the old develop db I had most releasegroup and in the anime db they are all set to “DRONE”. Nothing dramatic, just thought I’d mention it

Nice, I see most bug have been fixed. I have one more, my log is filled with the 3 line below (3 times per minutes) :

  • ParsingService Using absolute episode number 1 for: Ping Pong - TVDB: 1x01
  • ParsingService Using absolute episode number 1 for: Mushi-Shi - TVDB: 2x01
  • ParsingService Using absolute episode number 1 for: The Pilot’s Love Song - TVDB: 1x01

Those files are not in my download folder or factory. They are already in the series folder, so I’m not sure whats happening

Also I think there is going to be an option to use different indexer for anime and standard ?

@caddish said:
Nice, I see most bug have been fixed. I have one more, my log is filled with the 3 line below (3 times per minutes) :

  • ParsingService Using absolute episode number 1 for: Ping Pong - TVDB: 1x01
  • ParsingService Using absolute episode number 1 for: Mushi-Shi - TVDB: 2x01
  • ParsingService Using absolute episode number 1 for: The Pilot’s Love Song - TVDB: 1x01

Those files are not in my download folder or factory. They are already in the series folder, so I’m not sure whats happening

Need more information where those are coming from, please post debug logs.

Also I think there is going to be an option to use different indexer for anime and standard ?

What do you mean by indexer?

Deleting those three from nzbget download history removed them from the log, but I could not find anything in common with the 3 to explain why they were repeatedly appearing in the log.

Another small bug, ordering by quality in manual search mode does not seam to work properly

I mean’t use fanzub only for anime and let’s say dognzb only for standard/daily

Well fanzub is only anime, its not used for regular shows.

Newznab will try to check when doing a search right now, because it can handle anime, but if the anime category is not configured it won’t return any results. Not sure how we want to deal with that right now.

I’ll take a look at the quality sorting, but thats not specific to the anime branch.

A “use for anime” and “use for standard/daily” toggle in each indexer could be nice

Not sure why but drone is unable to parse the file below ( it was manually downloaded to drone factory folder) :


Which should parse to Fate/Zero S01E01.

Also my log is still filled with ParsingService Info. I get one of these each 0.1second continuously:

-14-6-29 22:30:20.4|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: Hatsuyuki

-14-6-29 22:30:20.5|Debug|Parser|Release Hash parsed: CDDE1641

-14-6-29 22:30:20.5|Info|ParsingService|Using absolute episode number 7 for: Noragami - TVDB: 1x07

-14-6-29 22:30:20.5|Debug|Parser|Parsing string ‘[Hatsuyuki] Noragami - 06 [1280x720][D79250E0]’

-14-6-29 22:30:20.5|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. noragami - 006

-14-6-29 22:30:20.5|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English

-14-6-29 22:30:20.5|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for [Hatsuyuki] Noragami - 06 [1280x720][D79250E0]

Theres about 30 different episodes in a sort of limbo. I know deleting them from nzbget will make them go away from the log but new ones keep coming up

I had some trouble with Fate/Zero myself. I had downloaded both Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night. I put both of them into the factory and for some reason the Fate/Zero episodes got imported into Fate/Stay Night and the Fate/Stay Night episodes didn’t get imported at all. I ended up moving those files manually. I’ve got the feeling somehow something is wrong with either Fate/Zero or Fate/Stay Night.

i think because of the way tvdb handles that series… and if you get the [bd] versions from fanzub it put everything out of wack… i had to manually organize those series with filebot

Fate/Zero vs Fate/Stay Night is a bit of a mess, xem has an alias for season 2 of Fate/Stay Night that maps Fate/Zero to it.

Due to how this is handled internally, drone uses it when importing and wreaks havoc, put an ugly hack in place to deal with this particular issue, hopefully its not common.

Thanks, the full season had been sitting in my download folder for 2 weeks and when you made the commit they all parsed correctly