Synology Install - Uninstall not clean

Sonarr version (exact version): 20210717-19 (
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Synology / Linux
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

I installed Sonarr on my Synology NAS using the Synology package centre (successfully - could get the consoles etc, didn’t test functionality), then had a brain fade and took a backup of my Sonarr setup on Windows (using the system>Backup option), and restored it to my Synology install. The Synology install then started complaining ‘is not a valid *nix path. paths must start with / Parameter name: path’.

I then went into packages and uninstalled both the Sonarr package, and the Mono package and reinstalled.

When I go back into the the console, nothing comes up except for the ‘is not a valid *nix path. paths must start with / Parameter name: path’ message. I can’t do anything, make any changes, etc. It seems the uninstall is leaving something behind but not sure what or how to get rid of it so I can start from a blank canvas. Any ideas how I can do a complete cleanup and start fresh?

You can’t restore a backup from windows on linux or vice versa, without making manual changes to sonarr’s database and possibly config.xml (not sure about that last one). So that will never work out of the box.

That being said, just delete the contents of the sonarr config directory. System > status > appdata directory will tell you the location.

Thanks for the reply. I get that it wouldn’t work I thought though any issues would be correctable rather than just stop the system from functioning at all.

Unfortunately I can’t find the location of the config directory in the way that you mentioned as the only screen I can get to appear is the one with the invalid path message, ie no menus etc. Hoping someone knows what the default path is so I can go in and manually remove any trace before reinstalliing.

I get that it wouldn’t work I thought though any issues would be correctable rather than just stop the system from functioning at all.

It would - in theory - load, just lots of complaints about the paths.

It seems the uninstall is leaving something behind

FWIW the sonarr team has nothing to do with the SynoCommunity package and the package not uninstalling cleanly is their problem. Yet another reason why NAS packages are strongly not recommended and docker should be used instead.

Thanks, your reply did help.

After the uninstall the following directory is left

It contains DBs and other configuration items and can’t simply be deleted with

$ sudo -i

This allow you to login as root (with the admin password) and manually clean up the directory.


thanks updated the wiki; seems they use the old package name still

other than that, I fail how linking you to the wiki page that lists the default paths ‘did not help’

regardless root cause is that synocommunity should have a prompt at uninstall to purge or not purge the appdata

They said “your reply did help” :wink:

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