Synology Desktop GUI integration Offfer+ Request.. Code & images provided

I develop for Synology Diskstation (hobby) and would like to offer the ‘Synology start menu’ integration portion.

Doing so will make Sonarr behave the same as other Synology packages (icon appears in menu when running, is removed when stopped). The Icon may also be dragged to the user’s desktop and serves as the shortcut launcher to directly open a new browser tab in Sonarr.

Attached are images I found on the internet and resized and named for Synology. Named: Sonarr-24.png, Sonarr-32.png, Sonarr-48.png, Sonarr-72.png, and Sonarr-256.png. Sonarr-256.png is probably your PACKAGE_ICON.PNG

Additions to Sonarr ‘package development’ directory (apologies if oversimplified)

In your package source, where you keep the INFO file and ‘package/’, add the image files “Sonarr-*.png” under “dsm_config/Sonarr” with your other files (Sonarr.cgi).

The automation to add remove the icon goes in start-stop-status

under “start)”

# Create the DSM shortcut (Puts the icon on the menu)
if [ ! -f "/usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/Sonarr" ]; then
  ln -s "/var/packages/Sonarr/target/dsm_config/Sonarr" /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty

under “stop)”

# Remove the Start Menu link
rm -f /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/Sonarr

If I can be of any help, I am also on Github.

Hey Chuck,

The Sonarr syno package is managed by synocommunity. It was initially created by @maxrogers. Although @Dr_Bean has done the recent changes it’s still a community effort.
It’s probably best to post your suggestion on their github page.

Thanks. I was looking at their github page and it suggested I post here first.

My apologies if I messed up.

I did attempt to clone Github and didn’t find the synology ‘spk’ source. My intent was to do the clone, and then a PR so they could simply merge it in for the next release.

Messed up, not at all! I think your suggestion is nice. :slight_smile:

It’s just that the Sonarr devs don’t really know much about the Synology package.

Afaik, synocommunity is still working hard on the DSM 6.0 updates, so it may take a while.

I tried contacting the SynoCommunity folks via their web site… got the 404 lol

I spent the afternoon digging, Even did a ‘clone’ only to find out that their dev tool spksrc is how it’s supposed to be done.

Not knowing the rules here (new to github in general) I thought I’d offer up the insertions for whoever owns the current package build tasks to include if desired… It would make it easier and portable in the syno dsm and not a separate bookmark.

I thank you for being so very patient and understanding with me. I will let them sort out the DSM 6 issues. I had my share of DSM 6 bugs too with my package.

For the record, the SynoCommunity package already adds/removes the icon in the menu based on the status of the package. Note that if the icon is not visible for you, this links applies:

Thanks for that. Obviously still lots to learn about DSM integration. Apps are easy… DSM… That’s hard! haha :slight_smile:

I had apparently bypassed that by dropping the link in /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty back to the package directly at package start/stop.

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