Switching from SB to Sonarr / Multiple Questions

Congrats on the great piece of software!
I have a couple questions:
I made the following changes to my SABNZBD config to support failed downloads in sickrage / sickgear.
menu “Switches” … [disable] "Abort jobs that cannot be completed"
menu “Switches” … [disable] "Post-Process Only Verified Jobs"
menu “Special” … [enable] "empty_postproc"
Do I need to reverse those settings or keep them enabled to support failed download handling in Sonarr?

Once I sort out the media type (web-dl, hdtv rip) is there a way to have Sonarr reach out and grab the higher quality release? Say bluray rip w/dd5.1 over hdtv rip w/stereo ? If not consider this a highly desirable feature and one SB/SG/SR users have been clawing at for some time now. My wife gets so confused when she is watching one episode of “New girl” and the next one suddenly only comes out of two speakers and at much lower volume.

How do I enable debug-logging for nzbdrone.console.exe ? I prefer to manually launch VS use a system service, and I would like to see debug level output via the command window as I had with SB for real-time feedback of what’s going on, especially when I dump a ton of manually downloaded EP’s into the drone folder and kick off a post process.

Additional question:

I am trying to import “The Pink Panther” cartoons, and each one is only 6~min in length, and according to the debug logs the parser is detecting them as samples and ignoring them.
This is undesired :frowning: and I cannot seem to find a way to change the value used to determine sample vs episode as it’s likely in the source code hardcoded for the importer / parser.

Additional question:

I had SB/SG/SR configured to generate all the these metadata files:


However sonarr doesn’t appear to support and/or generate all of those, or it generates a few with a different naming format. What is the best course of action moving forward?

should I delete all .jpg / .nfo files from SB/SG/SR and have sonarr generate it’s metadata files?

I don’t think so, I know the “Check before download” switch is a problem, but those others look fine to me.

Just set the cutoff in the Profile accordingly, it will still try to upgrade HDTV with 5.1 audio to Bluray (hopefully with 5.1) as audio is not taken into account.

We only log Info and higher as logging more can cause things to slow down. At the moment the config option only changes the log file output.

Sonarr uses the runtime of the series to determine if its a sample:

If the series has a runtime less than 5 minutes the file must exceed 90 seconds, 30 minutes and the file must be at least 5 minutes long and for 60 minutes the file must have a 10 minute runtime. Either the files are partial episodes (don’t fill the full timeslot, in which case the number is going to be off anyways) or TheTVDB has the wrong data.

If Sonarr can’t match those files to a known type they will be orphaned (an issue if the files are renamed), if Sonarr supports those metadata types/filenames in the future then it will be able to associate them then. If you don’t need the files for a specific client then you could remove them and keep it clean.

Wow, you are so helpful, thanks so much for the detailed responses! I can tell I made the right decision in my PVR software choice. :smiley:

Regarding pink panther, this is the TVDB series:
I don’t see a runtime for the EP’s anywhere, but I can confirm that each cartoon is a “short” and are 6:30~sec in length. They are indeed the full episodes. The kids love these and i’m trying to get them imported into my Kid’s TV Shows collection. How do we proceed with a situation like that? I don’t even see a field under an EP for runtime.

Regarding debug-logging for the console window, is there any possible way to have this option with a launch flag for nzbdrone.console.exe ? This way only those who wish to make use of it could? I don’t mind the process being slower as much as I mind having to load / refresh the log file versus scroll my console window for feedback on recent actions taken. I understand if not, and also understand if this belongs as a feature request.

Regarding metadata files from SB/SG/SR. I think I will delete *.jpg *.nfo and just let Sonarr populate said metadata with what it deems appropriate and when future metadata types are supported, let it populate those as well simplifying things in the meantime.
I use Plex exclusively with the XBMCTvNfoImporter agent so the supported metadata file types are quite similar to Kodi 14+. Let me know if this is not advisable for any reason.

Thank you again, as others have said I pay for software that doesn’t bring support like this to the table. Remarkable indeed!

I mis-spoke a bit in my previous reply, TheTVDB expects the run time of the series for each episode, not the timeslot (I was thinking the reverse).

The run time is actually set on the series (applies to all episodes), and is currently set to 90 minutes: http://www.thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=71554&lid=7 - my gut feeling is there is a reason its listed at 90 minutes and the safest thing to do would be to ask them on their forums. At the moment there isn’t a work around for this. I’ll give it some thought on how we want to do it.

I’ll talk with the other devs, but I don’t see a reason why we won’t use the same config option we do for log files.

Followup question:

I am performing the rename wizard against all the shows I have once pointing sonarr to them.
I have noticed that on about 25% of the ones i’ve added so far there are discrepancies in the naming from what SB/SR/SG had chosen, and that I know to be correct (from watching the EP’s themselves, not based on their filename)

For example Drugs, Inc came back with the following changes

Season 5\S05E02 - Salt Lake Sinners.mkv
Season 5\S05E02 - Cokeland.mkv

Season 4\S04E10 - Stashville Tennessee.mkv
Season 4\S04E10 - Stashville- Tennessee.mkv

Season 4\S04E09 - Cartel City Arizona.mkv
Season 4\S04E09 - Cartel City- Arizona.mkv

Season 1\S01E02 - Heroin.mkv
Season 1\S01E02 - Meth.mkv

Now I know S05E02 and S01E02 are both correct right now, why would sonarr want to rename them to an EP that they aren’t? I haven’t committed any changes on any of these shows because i’m afraid of having mismatched metadata / filenames with what the content actually is.

Is it a difference between TheTVDB and TVRage? TheTVDB was what SB/SG/SR used when I originally created the shows on my previous config.

I currently have 11 shows out of around 40 that present these naming issues. Before I add the rest of my shows I want to know how to move forward with confidence.

The adding a - or a comma renames are perfectly fine and I will take those without question, it’s just the overall different EP names that concern me.

No, Sonarr uses TheTVDB as well. Most likely the episodes were renumbered on TheTVDB from when they were first grabbed/named.

If you look in S* they will have the same re-adjusted numbering.

Ahh!! I was really hoping you wouldn’t say that :expressionless:

So I will just have to go through each of the 11 shows and manually fix I guess right? I don’t see any other way, if I let the rename wizard rename them, the name won’t match the content.

Yeah, thats really the only way (or don’t rename those ones), but then eventually XBMC/Plex/something will be mismatched.

Ok I agree, might as well bite the bullet and get them manually renamed now to prevent issues later.

Two more questions:

  1. My SABNZBD download folder is Z:\Downloads Complete\tv for my TV category (which sonarr uses)
    My drone factory folder is Z:\Downloads Complete\drone factory\
    Is this correct? I noticed some things about the folders being the same so things were going to be skipped. I thought at first that they should be the same per SB/SG/SR conventions.

  2. For shows already on disk that i’m importing which do not have the year in the folder name (IE: Archer vs Archer (2009)) is there any way to have sonarr add this year to the folder name? I am seeing more and more that having the year in the folder name helps things.

Yeah, thats correct, Sonarr will get the path from SAB directly and use that to import, if the path reported by SAB is the same as the drone factory Sonarr will use the drone factory to import, which isn’t as useful (its the legacy import method)

No, we plan to add a renaming token to all the year to be added, but that still wouldn’t take care of renaming of it, though thats been talked about and might be a feature where you can rename the folder and Sonarr would move it.

What a fantastic help you have been Markus, thanks again.

I would fully support any effort to include folder rename features in either form, be it part of the rename wizard OR that I can rename them manually and sonarr move them and correct it’s internal db references to the path’s.

I would also encourage perhaps a discussion around using DD51 and such in the scene naming as a “preference” for users in regards to higher quality replacements of episodes. This way series with mixed stereo and DD5.1 episodes can be made more consistent. Obviously scene naming isn’t always adhered to, but often is.
On that same note perhaps the media file analysis you already perform could include audio track examination so that on disk imports can be flagged as DD51 or stereo so they aren’t needlessly replaced if the above discussion ends up bearing fruit in the form of a new feature.

Thanks again, just some thoughts as I go along.

Just an update, thetvdb updated the pink panther to reflect a 6min runtime, so that resolved that issue as you suggested.

All my episode renames were manually done (took about 2 days lol) and checked for accuracy.
Sure wish they would get the naming straight from the get-go and stick to it, that was a nightmare I hope I don’t have to do again.