Suddenly calendar does not show downloaded episodes

First off, awesome to see air times back!

Strange situation, and I wonder if its just a temporary issue that will correct itself moving forward.

On develop, all downloaded episodes are suddenly missing from the calendar. This week’s calendar, for example, is pretty much empty except for missing episodes (in red).

As a test, I changed the quality of a show with a missing episode on this week’s calendar. Automatic search found it, downloaded it, and the episode turned green and is properly showing. So perhaps this is a one-off sort of deal from a recent update?

EDIT: Ok, maybe there is a larger issue here. Turns out that certain episodes have been set to not be monitored. That includes episodes that were already downloaded this past week, but Drone for whatever reason doesn’t think it had. Slowly working my way through my episodes to see what suddenly became unmonitored.


Do you have “Ignore Deleted Episodes” enabled?

The only reason I can think that it would unmonitor is if the files were not available to Sonarr during a rescan and it unmonitored them. History should show an event for each of these episodes, which has the tooltip: Sonarr was unable to find the file on disk so it was removed

You hit the nail on the head, Markus. Turns out that the SMB mount to my media somehow got disconnected. I have since disabled that option so this doesn’t happen again moving forward.

Thanks for your reply.

If the SMB share is unavailable Sonarr shouldn’t scan the series so it shouldn’t exhibit this behavior. Which OS are you running Sonarr on?

Ubuntu 14.04 VM with an SMB mount to an unRAID VM.

hey guys, i do have the same problem. Sonarr removed the files after it couldn’t find them on the smb mount share, because the NAS turned of. The setting “ignore deleted episoed” is set on NO. Is that right? Sonarr is running on a Raspberry 2 with rasbarian.


hey guys,
and the files are still there. i can see them on my nas. but even if i hit: “update series info and scan disk” it wont find it. what is wrong?

Please pastebin debug logs of the rescan.

hey markus,
i turned debug logs on. Can i download the file from the interface as well? under system -> logs -> files I see a lot of log files created today. how do I know which one is the right?

after restarting my raspberry pi it now has the files again in the webinterface…


The latest log files is nzbdrone.txt - if you rescan a series and check the logs it will be in that one.

hey there,
this problem is happening again and again. last this morning with “Parks and Recreation”. Maybe you can help me?

Please find the last log under
