I’ve been messing with this for 2 days and my mind is no longer clear on it.
Tried multiple mappings using different users. Adjusted different users access’ and nothing.
Spent 2 hours going thru forums and trying stuff. still stuck. SickRage i didnt have this issue with but i want to use SONARR.
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Root folder path ‘/mnt/VIDEO/TV/’ is not writable by user 'pi’
at NzbDrone.Core.RootFolders.RootFolderService.Add (NzbDrone.Core.RootFolders.RootFolder) <0x00428>
at NzbDrone.Api.NzbDroneRestModule1<NzbDrone.Api.RootFolders.RootFolderResource>.GetNewId<NzbDrone.Core.RootFolders.RootFolder> (System.Func2<NzbDrone.Core.RootFolders.RootFolder, NzbDrone.Core.RootFolders.RootFolder>,NzbDrone.Api.RootFolders.RootFolderResource) <0x0003f>
at NzbDrone.Api.RootFolders.RootFolderModule.CreateRootFolder (NzbDrone.Api.RootFolders.RootFolderResource) <0x0007b>
at NzbDrone.Api.REST.RestModule1<NzbDrone.Api.RootFolders.RootFolderResource>.<set_CreateResource>b__f (object) <0x0003f> at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.CallSite.Target (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,System.Func2<object, object>,object) <0x000bf>
at Nancy.Routing.Route/<>c__DisplayClass4.b__3 (object,System.Threading.CancellationToken) <0x00177>
As it says the user “pi” doesn’t have write permissions to the folder “/mnt/VIDEO/TV”. Either own the file (sudo chown -R pi:pi /mnt/VIDEO/TV) or you add the user “pi” to the group associated with the folder “TV” (sudo usermod -a -G groupname pi). You can see the group of the folder via “ls -l /mnt/VIDEO/TV”.