April 25, 2015, 5:30pm
Last week I removed Pawn Stars SA, but today I discovered the series was still downloaded
Looking at the log I see this
15-4-25 19:25:51.9|Trace|Owin|SQLite error (17): statement aborts at 40: [INSERT INTO Logs VALUES(@Message ,@Time ,@Logger ,@Exception ,
@ExceptionType ,@Level )] database schema has changed
it seems I get an error in the db (development version) could that be the reason?
Sonarr has no way to download a deleted series as it won’t have anything to match it to.
That error is unrelated and nothing to be concerned about.
April 26, 2015, 7:21am
Yeah … Found it … PawnStars SA was deleted at my side, but PawnStars not . sonarr found a match on Pawnstars SA for Pawn Stars (I think you never can beat that fight) and therefore downloaded it …
tvrage ID matching I’m sure, its a blessing and a curse.