Storing downloaded file outside of TV Series

This may be the wrong area and possibly already answered somewhere else but here it is. Is there away to have sonarr download and process in a file without moving to the TV series folder.

I download a Forever. Instead of it going to M:\TV Shows\Forever. I would like it to go to M:\TempTV\Forever. Reason being is I then make a copy along with other processing and put it on a USB drive for a computer at my other house.

You could have Sonarr put it in M:\TempTV\Forever by changing the path in Sonarr, but then it if was moved from there to M:\TV Shows\Forever Sonarr would see it as missing.

You’d probably be better off writing a script that runs before Sonarr processes it that copies it to the temp folder.

Okay, thank you for the quick reply.

I got to thanking and could this be made possible? Like have an option for an alternate download location.

We don’t have plans to do anything like this, but we do plan to make post processing scripts as an option to run after Sonarr imports an episode.