I just ran into this b/c I made an oops.
I forgot to restart nzbget after updating it, and so Drone appeared to have failed to grab any episodes from Sunday. Took me a few minutes to figure it out.
Would it be possible (or is it in the works) to have Drone do a ‘store and forward’ so that if Get/Sab is down, it will automagically dump to Get/Sab when they come back up.
Pretty torn on this. On one hand its nice to not miss any NZBs, but it adds complexity and also means drone could grab a release thats destined to fail because of missing parts.
Considering it as part of “do not download before”, but it is probably better to spend time on notifications for health checks failing so you get alerted.
I can see that. Seems like it’s a ‘nice to have’ but too complex / low usage to be put in with any priorty.