Stop NFO Rewrites of Unmonitored Shows or Seasons?

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Win2012r2
Description of issue: Howdy, I just learned the other day that Sonarr updated the NFOs (confirmed through logs) of shows (ex. Futurama, Firefly) and seasons (Archer S03) I had marked as unmonitored, is there a way to prevent this (without removing show from Sonarr) or is this normal behavior?

Unmonitored just means Sonarr won’t grab episodes. Since those series have ended they only fetch updated series information every 30 days (instead of 2x a day), but the issue is the ratings are changing so Sonarr sees that as the file changing and updates the file accordingly.

We have an issue open on Github to deal with this, whether its an option or Sonarr ignores minute rating changes is to be decided still.

Thanks for the update, I’ll add my two bits over there.

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