Stop download of previous series


How do i prevent nzbdrone from downloading episodes from previous a series ? For example, True Blood is coming up to season 7 but it keeps downloading episodes from season 1/2 which i watched and deleted years ago. I’ve already set the option to ignore deleted episodes but that only seems to work once nzbdrone has downloaded them again and then i’ve deleted them. Is there a way for me to tell nzbdrone to ignore all seasons/episodes apart from new upcoming ones ?


Yes, unmonitor the season(s)/episode(s) you don’t want it to download, you can do that from the series details page (using the bookmark icon on the left side of each season/episode) or through Season Pass (easier to change more than one series).

Thats great, thank you.

Also, there is an ‘ignore deleted’ option in settings somewhere, so if you want to monitor the current season, but, say, delete the eps you watched, that will work too.