I think this is a feature request rather than a support request.
Occasionally (VERY occasionally; one series out of 200 so far) there is a show uploaded with multiple files (labeled CD1/CD2) per episode (The Hollow Crown, fwiw). Sonarr pulled everything (4 episodes in season 1), but only sorted the CD2 AVI files. Plex wants multi-file TV episodes named like:
[Title] - [S00E00]-[CD0] - [title].[ext]
From what I can tell, anyway. (Really it ignores the title.) Is there any way to get Sonarr to handle these rare occasions?
Use the Prefixed Range multi-episode style and Sonarr will name them SxxEyy-Ezz which is the format Plex supports.
When I look for The Hollow Crown I see multiple files (one episode per file), not exactly sure what you mean by the CD releases, but if they’re both labeled with episode 1-4 Sonarr won’t import them both.
So it’s actually the reverse problem: multiple files per episode not multiple episodes per file. So the files for S01E01 that are read correctly by Plex are:
The Hollow Crown - S01E01-CD1.avi
The Hollow Crown - S01E01-CD2.avi