Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Docker on Ubuntu 20.04
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Search to add Spitting Image (2020) brings back multiple results for the same series
it doesnt seem to exist any more on (must have been removed) so its probably going to disappear from the cache within a couple of days
someone may have screwed up when adding it, so ended up with multiples, then the (tvdb, not sonarr) admins deleted all of them instead of leaving one.
actually, v3 has links to the shows, and the top entry works so try that one - the one from 1984. it seems the tvdb admins decided it was the same show, just with a three plus year gap, and removed the others (the manual search still wont show the original)
in sonarr its tvdb:78744
Ok, so what the heck is going on with this series on tvdb? I have already received 3 separate status messages since this mess started, I deleted it, then re-added it, then a few days later it was back to been deleted from tvdb. So a couple of days ago I re-added it but tvdb deleted it again today. I have just added the 1984 version, however, it will only recognize the folder and episodes as S19 so I renamed the folder and the episodes. This, of course, means that the scenes groups will have to rename their releases accordingly or we will have to manually import and rename each future episode. Why is tvdb not able to decide which naming convention to use? I agree with their first choice of using 2020 S01 which is the same one used by scene groups since day one.
Spitting Image (2020) search results report S19 for “reasons”, and will not auto-download:
Spitting Image S19E01 has no search results:
However, S19E03 has search results:
I’ve manually renamed episodes 1 and 2 of Spitting.Image.2020.S01Exx to Spitting.Image.S19Exx, and moved them to “Spitting Image/Season 19”, S19E03 has downloads available that Sonarr can use normally, so I would guess that S19E03 onwards will be named with scene releases using the original series name “Spitting Image” and season 19.
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