I suddenly got this urge to watch Pokémon again, added to the ND quite fine, but the problem comes in with the name being different on usenet, namely the “é”, so when it searches for Pokémon it finds nothing as all the uploads are listed under Pokemon.
Is there anything on my side that can be done to actually allow it to search, if it helps I am using NZB.su
Drone uses the tvrage id when searching, when available, you can see the exact url drone used to hit your indexer when trace logging is enabled, if it’s using rid= instead of q= in the url, then it’s using the tvrage id. If no results and it’s using the tvrage id then the indexer isn’t mapping them properly. If it’s using the name then to can follow the steps in this sticky (see the first post): http://forums.nzbdrone.com/discussion/135/scene-naming#Item_56
Haha funny you mention this CranialBlaze I’m doing the same thing. Not too worried about it not grabbing the show at the moment. Moreso that XBMC is chucking a hissy fit at the é and giving me this output whenever a episode name has that character in it:
13:02:10 T:7888 ERROR: PCRE: Bad UTF-8 character, error code: 7, position: 55. Text before bad char: “smb://wotha-nas/tv current/pokemon/season 01/1x01 - pok”
Other than manually renaming the file, which I have done and gotten it to work, are we possible able to build something into Drone to automatically replace these characters for us? Or should I be bashing down the door of XBMC and asking them to fix it?
Love the support you guys give Markus. Thanks for putting this up, I think optional would be the best way to go