Sort Order

Quick question.

Just added iZombie to NzbDrone, but it is sorting it under Z instead if I.

Why does it do that please?

How do you add images to posts ??

Link to image:

Actually, it’s sorting under ‘i’ lowercase. Tnx for the report. I’ll probably change the sort logic to be case-insensitive.

Thanks Taloth.

Just an extra to this request, and I apologise if this is already being dealt with, but can the word “The” be ignored when sorting/displaying TV shows please.

For example, The big Bang theory is listed under ‘T’ instead of ‘B’.

Lots of other apps/services already ignore “The” when displaying show names, so could NzbDrone do the same please.

Or is there a setting already in place that I haven’t come across as yet ??

Thanks in advance.

This is already being worked on (, though there is one piece of it we need to fix.

OK, thanks Markus.

I see that “the” is being ignored in TV series lists sorting and that case-sensitive sorting is now working in the latest dev build - many thanks.