Sonnar not Restarting on Synology DSM

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: DSM 6.2.3-25426
Debug logs: -
Description of issue: Sonnar failed to Restart

Hello all, first post for me, and more of just an information post for anyone searching for
I had a bit of an issue when using Sonarr, it didn’t restart on my Synology NAS and after lots of Googleing I figured out it could be a problem with Mono.
The process of Sonarr was still running even tho it wasn’t and DSM would not let me start Sonarr from Package Center.

So if others are having the same issue and are fairly new to NAS/SSH/Sonarr hopefully this will help.

So my work around for it is the following;

By stopping the Mono process via SSH

First enable SSH, this is done in Control Panel > Terminal SNMP, you may need to enable Port forwarding on your Router to be able SSH into it, once done use the likes of Putty to SSH into the NAS (PuTTY is here;

Login as your usual admin profile (or one with full privileges), you will need to be Root, do this by using the commans “sudo -i”

Then find the Mono process ID in Resource Monitor (Task Manager > Processes)

Then in your SSH terminal us the command “kill -9 PID” (PID is the Process ID of Mono)

I then started Sonarr from Package Center and it’s running just fine.

Hope this helps.

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