Sonarr wont update from to

Thanks! As it stands, its a fresh Win7 OS with no antivirus or any form of spyware protection installed. I do have a VPN running but i dont think this will affect it as it isnt having any issues connecting or downloading.

I guess it could be permissions enabled but, no settings have been played with that i can think of that would cause any issues here.

Probably the easiest thing to do would be to stop Sonarr, delete C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone\bin (just that bin folder), then install the latest update manually, that should clear up any permission issues on files in that folder and get you running the latest version.

Thanks! What is stored in the bin folder? Will any settings be lost? Thanks, will do this

The installation files are in the bin folder settings and series information is in nzbdrone.db (up one folder).

Thanks, i just did this and can confirm that i am now running the latest version. I’ve got 2 errors currently though. One is, it cant find the directory with all my media and the second is it cant find the drone folder. Ive checked the settings and its all set correctly and the media folder is reachable. Tried to restart Sonarr but the service isnt running. Will do a machine restart when im home and im sure this will fix it but am currently team viewing in so, will leave that until later.


Glad its updated for you now, this might be worth checking out if your files are hosted on a different system:

Thanks, i had a quick read of that. I have my media files stored on a WD MyLive NAS. Essentially, a 3TB hard drive connected via ethernet. It has a static IP. I’ve mapped a drive on the Sonarr-downloading system and ive got it pointed that way. It looks as though i may need to change the way that its set up?

If you connect to it from Sonarr with a drive letter then yes, either one of the steps in the FAQ should fix it up (and not have it reoccur).

This is exactly how i have it connected. Mapped to letter Z, Sonarr is set to move all files (after download) to Z:/ Public/TV.

Got any hints as to how to achieve the following? - Change your paths to UNC paths (\server\share)

Use the path that Z:\ points to, you should be able to find it with NET USE at the command prompt.

Thanks, figured that out. Feeling incredibly silly about this next thing: Was able to change the drone factory path to the correct path using the UNC path but where oh where do i set the path for the actual TV shows? I might be going blind

Use series editor to do that, you can mass update them all from there.

Will this also update where to save future series?

Yes and you can remove the old path from there as well.

Thanks, i think i have that sorted. Since deleting the Bin folder and installing again, Sonarr doesnt actually have a tray icon but because the Web UI is working as expected, would i be right to assume that this is okay?

When Sonarr is running as a service you won’t see a tray icon, so yes, perfectly normal.

Thanks, Was just a little worried as i used to have a tray icon. Thanks for all your help! :smile:

Is there a way to force Sonarr to check Utorrent for a completed download? There is a 100% finished item in uTorrent and the completed media is in the correct folder. Sonarr used to automatically clear it from Utorrent and then move it and rename it to the TV show folder. Is there a way i can force this or troubleshoot this? All settings seem to be correct and as per how they were when all was working.


I moved 2 posts to a new topic: Unable to update on OS X 10.10.4

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