Sonarr won't start anymore on mac

I have tried EVERYTHING. Restoring from backup…reinstall…NOTHING WORKS. What is wrong…used to work fine…Please help…On OSX.

Really disappointed had all my shows setup


Known issue with permissions or something, happens after you restart your Mac or update Sonarr. You used to be able to download a new copy of the app and replace the old one to fix it but that doesn’t work anymore. You also used to be able to add the +x flag to and that would fix it, but that does’t work anymore either. As far as I can tell the app just doesn’t work on Mac anymore.

My advice is to just use something else, the Mac app clearly isn’t a priority for these guys. It’s been like this for nearly 2 months now.

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It’s already fixed… Its only in develop, but it will be in the next OS X update we release and since there haven’t been any other updates that’s likely not the cause here.

@hotdogpress getting the tail end of the log file would be the next best step:

If you can grab it and hastebin the contents we can take a look.

This exact same thing is happening to me. I followed your link Markus to find my log, but the instructions for OS don’t find the logs (the .config file is not in the user folder – i’m running 10.8). I found nzbdron.exe.config. Is that the info that you need? If not, can you give me a detailed explanation on how to get the log info to you?

Sonarr was working great for months and now I can’t even get it to start up. I haven’t updated anything in the OS–Sonarr just randomly stopped working. I may have to switch back to Sickbeard. Sucks! I like Sonarr!

.config is a hidden folder, which is not shown in Finder by default, there is a way to make hidden folders visible in OS X, but I’m not sure what it is.

The path on the wiki is definitely the correct path, unless you are running it via another user/via the system. If you’re able to find nzbdrone.db you will find the logs folder there.

I was able to get it running by downloading and installing a new Sonarr app where I noticed that I still have the NZBDrone folder in my Applications folder–should I delete that? I also upgraded to OS 10.9. I’m not sure why but it all seems to be working now.

It shouldn’t be doing anything, so seems safe to delete.

Apologies for grave-digging… but I thought I’d add this in case someone else winds up here / needs to show hidden folders.

I have examples in applescript and pre-built apps you can use to show/hide hidden files in OS X here: EPIC FAIL on OSX . Users can either save the scripts as applications, or use the pre-made ones to make showing/hiding hidden files a one-click thing.