Sonarr version (exact version): by Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: Ubuntu 18.04 Debug logs: Description of issue: Sonarr not found serials with parentheses ()
If Sonarr gets search results from an indexer or fetches the torrents from the client (and they’re in the right category) then Sonarr will try to parse them.
i havent looked at the parsing code in sonarr but its standard practice to put the year in brackets after the name when there are multiple shows with the same name, eg vikings, and vikings (2013).
i’ve never seen anyone put the series/ep numbers in brackets before but its up to them if they want to do their own thing.
if you put vikings s06e10 into the manual jackett search do you get any returns?
just that sonarr doesnt search for vikings, it includes the season/ep in there as well so you need to match the search query (which should be i the debug logs) to see what it would find.
nope, it appears to be a problem with that specific indexer site. jackett just passes the search query through and their search appears to be extremely explicit, ie its doing a perfect match search.
can you go to that site and search from there? see if its web page generates the same results. if it does youll need to ask them if they will “fix” it