Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.4.0 OS: Linux ((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): Description of issue:
Hello everyone, I’m currently having an issue that I wasn’t having before. Sonarr works fine except for one thing. When I manually torrent something and tag a torrent with the sonarr tag (like with my shows that Sonarr monitors and grabs for me), Sonarr would detect it after it finishes downloading and automatically hardlink it. Now for some reason, I can’t get it to detect any manually downloaded torrents anymore that I tag with the sonarr tag. I don’t really recall changing any settings that should’ve messed with it…
It relies on Sonarr being able to parse the torrent name to a specific series and one or more episodes.
Series.Title.S01E01 would be fine Alternate.Series.Title.S01E01 would be fine if Sonarr is aware of the alternate title ST.S01E01 would not work because the torrent is named poorly using an acronym. Series.Title.Complete.Series would not work because complete series packs aren’t supported Series.Title.Season.01 would be fine Series.Title.Series.01 would not work because Series (the UK equivalent to Season) isn’t handled.
Take a look at debug or trace logs to see why it wasn’t processed.
DiskScanService Completed scanning disk for Chappelle’s Show 19:14
DiskScanService Scanning disk for Chappelle’s Show 19:14
RefreshEpisodeService Finished episode refresh for series: [71862][Chappelle’s Show]. 19:14
RefreshEpisodeService Starting episode info refresh for: [71862][Chappelle’s Show] 19:14
RefreshSeriesService Updating Info for Chappelle’s Show 19:14
Also, you say seasons packs aren’t supported? I thought they were and it would download an entire season if monitored or upgrading all of the episodes?
I downloaded a random season of a TV show and it worked so I guess it varies because on the name like you said prior. However, I did download a series (Band of Brothers) that was oddly named because it was a mini series so it only consisted of one season and therefore didn’t have a season included in the name. It initially worked and detected the episodes, but under activity presented errors because all the names weren’t able to be read so it didn’t know what episode was what. So I manually assigned the files what episode to be classified as and now it no longer appears, despite Band of Brothers being hardlinked prior and Sonarr having the proper directory path.