Sonarr version (
Mono version (4.2.2 (Stable Thu Mar 17 11:46:47 CET 2016)):
DSM 6 update 7:
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Sonarr and Sabnzbd successfully downloaded a few shows so everything was good.
What’s happening now is that shows are cued and in purple say (episode will be processed in X number of minutes)…but nothing happens after the time and they stay that way forever. I can’t manually search and trigger a download override either, they just stay cued.
SOLVED: Feel a little stupid, but it posting in case others have the issue. I haven’t assigned a static IP to my synology unit, so the IP changed when I switched ethernet cables from Jack 4 to 1. Anyway, it was still using the old IP.
SUGGESTION: possible when logs hit a serious issue to just throw up an icon on the calendar page to inform user option? I don’t go under the hood much.
Great app thanks!