Sonarr stops grabbing episodes regularly

I’m running Sonarr on a Ubuntu server, using NZBget to grab files. The setup works perfectly fine, except towards the end of each week Sonarr stops grabbing episodes. If I simply restart the service, all missing episodes are immediately downloaded. It will then work fine for 5-7 days, but invariably the same thing happens. Of course I could set the service to restart on a scheduled basis, but I wanted to check here before resorting to that.


Make sure you’re not on a kernel that has issues with mono:

Which version of Sonarr?
Which version of mono?
Is Sonarr accessible when it stops grabbing releases?
Are tasks still running when it hangs (System: Tasks, specifically the last execution time)?

Mono Version: 3.6.0 (tarball Mon Nov 24 21:55:22 EST 2014)

When this happens Sonarr is 100% executable, and I’m almost certain tasks continue running (though I’ll check that specifically next time it happens). I have not done any Ubuntu updates in quite a while, so perhaps that might be a good start.

You need to upgrade mono to 3.10 or higher, 3.6 has a couple of bugs that cause issues.

I upgraded Mono and wound up on version: 4.0.4 (Stable Tue Aug 25 23:11:51 UTC 2015)
Is that version supported with Sonarr?

Hasn’t gotten as much testing as 3.10, but it should work fine.

Thank you. I’ll monitor over the next week and report back if the problem recurs.

So after upgrading Mono, i still seem to be having the problem. My error logs basically repeat the following two errors. As always, a Sonarr restart resolves the issue.

GlobalExceptionHandlers EPIC FAIL: Object reference not set to an instance of an object: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Newznab An error occurred while processing feed.,5040&extended=1&apikey=&offset=0&limit=100: Newznab error detected: API Temporarily Disabled (daily maintenance)

What Sonarr is doing when this happens is important, not enough context with just the error message, check trace logs.

Dog is doing maintenance per that message.

Which OS is Sonarr running on?
Which kernel (uname -a)?

I see that it references maintenance, but in that case shouldn’t it continue again once the maintenance is done. My experience is that once I see that error, it will not fetch anything again until I restart Sonarr.

I’m running Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Results of kernel command: 3.13.0-49-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 10 20:11:33 UTC 2015 x86_64

As Markus suggested, it’s caused by:

So, update your kernel.

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll try it out.

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