Sonarr Stopped working - All I get are dots moving across the screen. :(


I installed Sonarr a couple days ago, then I had a HD failure. I was able to recover my data, but Sonarr just gives me some dots moving around the screen on a gray background.

Running on Win 7 64-bit.

I tried uninstalling the program, then ran CCleaner to clean up any leftovers, deleted the apdata folder, rebooted and then reinstalled. I still have the same issue!

One would thing that completely uninstalling the program and reinstalling it would have worked. I don’t even care if I lose my schedule at this point.

Any suggestions?

What do your log files show? (Please hastebin them)

Deleting Sonarr’s AppData folder would result in everything being wiped out, including all settings and series.

Found some errors near the end of the logfile.

Errors around line 2370.

Looks like you already have Sonarr running and then you’re trying to start it again as a user thats either not admin or is admin, but UAC is enabled.

Make sure the Sonarr (listed as NzbDrone) service is stopped.

No clue how that happened, since I uninstalled it. :~

I stopped the service, uninstalled the program, deleted the appdata folder, rebooted, re-downloaded, reinstalled, and it is finally working again.

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