Sonarr + Sanzbd torrent Upload script Support

Hey guys, so currently I have have a Torrent Trader site on a massive Wireless user group in our City. We use Sickbeard to grab NZB’s off various sites and then use SANZBD to download them. Once done a script is run on SANZBD that initiates maketorrent which makes a .torrent file which is then uploaded to our tracker. Now we want to replace Sickbeard with Sonar as sickbeard doesnt have any failed download support etc and sonarr is much nicer to use. The problem is that Sonarr moves the completed download to a different folder meaning that when the script is run in SANZBD it creates the torrent file but doesnt know where the completed download file sits anymore. Any way to circumvent/ fix this? Thanks a million!

Sonarr has post processing script capabilities, so the cleanest option would be to alter the script and have sonarr initiate it instead of sabnzbd. There are some topics about it, and info in the wiki.

Mirx, then you get the renamed file, no nfo & useful srr files. Which is likely problematic.

@Jypels Several things you have to keep in mind:

  1. Do not use the Drone Factory, this is critical. Normally (using Completed Download Handling) Sonarr queries the Sabnzbd api to know which download is ready for import and where those files are according to sab, and (here it comes) will even wait for all pp-scripts in sabnzbd to finish before even attempting to import.
  2. In your pp-script you get access to only the stuff sab knows, I assume this is enough for your usecase. However it is important that you hardlink the files to some ‘seed’ directory, create the torrent file and whatever else you need before finishing the pp-script. coz afterwards sonarr will swoop in and move those files.
    Making hard links will allow you to keep the original file names and seed them directly, without having duplicate data, assuming everything is on the same volume of course. (Unless you copy em to a seedbox, but even then the principe is largely the same).

Theoretically, in the pp-script, you can query the sonarr api (History) or db, to determine which tvdb episode the download belongs too. But that’s an advanced scenario that likely goes beyond your usecase.

Didn’t know that one, but is overly logical :blush:

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