Sonarr randomly stops working on Ubuntu

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue:

This happened before once where Sonarr wasn’t working for days. I had to restart it. Now same thing happened again but this time I have debug logging enabled. Looks like Sonarr was down from 5/27 until 5/30. I’m running a remote server with Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS and when I try to log into Sonarr I get the error

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

I know that Sonarr isn’t working because nothing downloads during that period. Debug logs don’t seem to show anything. Stopping and starting the service fixes it. Any idea whats going on?

Are you using a reverse proxy?

This is really important, a lot of times upgrading mono will help, but knowing which version you’re running helps us recommend that.

I’ll get back to you about reverse proxy. Will ask the server admin. It’s a VPS

Mono version: Mono JIT compiler version 4.2.1 (Stable Thu Nov 12 09:52:44 UTC 2015)

I’d definitely recommend updating mono, 4.2.3 is the latest and has improved things for a number of people on 4.2.1.

I asked about the reverse proxy because the error message seems like it came from a proxy and that Sonarr’s web server had died somehow, not critical, but helpful.


Ok mono updated to 4.2.3 hopefully this will take care of it! Yes there is a reverse proxy but there’s another way to access sonarr which I didn’t try, although I doubt that it would’ve worked because according to logs sonarr wasn’t running at all from 4/27 to 4/30

Thanks for the help!

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