Sonarr picking improper RageID for Show

Have recently ran into an issue with a show that Sonarr is tagging with the wrong (outdated) RageID.

We have added the show, Clipped, to Sonarr, and it insists on searching for the older, pre-production, ID of the show, “Buzzy’s”.

When adding the show into Sonarr, it properly adds the name, and the cover art, but it searches for the Rage ID of: 41253

RageID 41253 Corresponds to “Buzzy’s”, and since there have been no episodes produced under that RageID, it never finds episodes.

the CORRECT ID of the, now airing, show, is RAGEID: 49447

So… two questions, regarding this

1.) Can this be fixed for this particular show?
2.) Is there a way to add an override into Sonarr, so a bugfix doesn’t need to be applied?

just needs to be fixed on skyhook id say, skyhook has it as tvRageId: 41253, should be 49447 as you said

have to wait for a sonarr dev to sort.

It has the correct ID now.

Awesome, thanks markus! :slight_smile:

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