Sonarr - PC to Synology - Real Time (no issue but FYI)

Currently Migrating my PC Sonarr to Synology DSM 6u7.

Noticed “Real Time w Bill Maher” wasn’t downloading. Found thread saying change it do “Daily” and it did recognize the manually downloaded episode this time.

Odd thing is, under PC it was “standard” and worked, yet under Synology it’s “daily”. I use OMGWTFNZB and WOMBLE as indexers and just thought I’d mention it as it seemed odd.

The behavior is the same, its how its released, which IIRC mixes using SxxEyy and date formats, standard won’t grab it if it uses a date, but daily will grab it either way.

Am I crazy to have 9 Indexers? Including those 2 above!!!

Over the years, they seems to come and go, so if it can’t find something with one, it’ll find it with some other one.

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