Mar 29 21:29:53 DiskStation synoscgi_SYNO.Core.Package.Control_1_start[30160]: service_stop.c:23 synoservice: [pkgctl-nzbdrone] stopping …
Mar 29 21:29:54 DiskStation synoscgi_SYNO.Core.Package.Control_1_start[30160]: service_stop.c:86 synoservice: [pkgctl-nzbdrone] stopped.
Mar 29 21:29:54 DiskStation synoscgi_SYNO.Core.Package.Control_1_start[30160]: service_start.c:74 synoservice: [pkgctl-nzbdrone] starting …
Mar 29 21:29:56 DiskStation synoscgi_SYNO.Core.Package.Control_1_start[30160]: service_start.c:178 synoservice: [pkgctl-nzbdrone] started.:
**Not sure if an update came through and broke it but I dont think so. The service just stopped this weekend and won’t start. I’ve tried to uninstall and reinstall both Sonarr and Mono and i still get the same result. It tries to start and then the GUI says stopped. The log above shows that it starts but the service is not actually running. **:
also there doesnt seem to be any log files /usr/local/nzbdrone/var/.config/NzbDrone