Sonarr not starting on Windows since v2.0.0.3953? Read this

Sonarr not starting on Windows since v2.0.0.3953? Read This:
This only applies to Windows. If you have Sonarr running on any other OS please make a separate thread.

If Sonarr doesn’t start, check the log files in C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone\logs. In it you’ll likely see:

TinyIoC.TinyIoCResolutionException: Unable to resolve type: NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events.IHandle`1[[NzbDrone.Core.Lifecycle.ApplicationStartedEvent, NzbDrone.Core]]`

This means your .NET install is years old and missing a required patch. It should be available in Windows Update, but the easiest solution is to simply install a recent version of .NET.

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repair v4 didnt help me. v4.5 wont install on xp :frowning:


Still XP…

Well, try this:

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Epic Save!

thanks Taloth

for some reason the ms link i used for .net v4 didnt fix it…but your one did…
Long live my little xp vm…

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