Sonarr not restarting/completing auto update

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):3.10.0 (tarball Wed Nov 5 12:50:04 UTC 2014)

OS: Linux Wheezy (ReadyNAS OS6)
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue:

Hey guys,

Sonarr doesn’t appear to be completing the automatic upgrade process. When I check my logs, nothing comes up after stating that Sonarr is restarting. I then have to reboot my NAS which auto launches Sonarr and everything works fine. It seems as though it’s updated and all is well, just that Sonarr doesn’t properly restart.

Does anyone know what may cause this issue? This has been happening for as long as I can remember.

Logs below:

16-5-11 20:21:31.0|Info|InstallUpdateService|Downloading update
16-5-11 20:21:31.6|Info|InstallUpdateService|Verifying update package
16-5-11 20:21:31.7|Info|InstallUpdateService|Update package verified successfully
16-5-11 20:21:31.8|Info|InstallUpdateService|Extracting Update package
16-5-11 20:21:32.3|Info|InstallUpdateService|Update package extracted successfully
16-5-11 20:21:32.7|Info|BackupService|Starting Backup
16-5-11 20:21:34.5|Info|InstallUpdateService|Preparing client
16-5-11 20:21:34.5|Info|InstallUpdateService|Starting update client /tmp/nzbdrone_update/NzbDrone.Update.exe
16-5-11 20:21:34.6|Info|InstallUpdateService|Sonarr will restart shortly.

(UPDATELOGS) - end with:

16-5-11 20:21:38.2|Info|TerminateNzbDrone|Killing all running processes
16-5-11 20:21:38.6|Debug|ProcessProvider|Found 0 processes with the name: NzbDrone.Console
16-5-11 20:21:38.6|Debug|ProcessProvider|Found 0 processes to kill
16-5-11 20:21:39.1|Debug|ProcessProvider|Found 0 processes with the name: NzbDrone
16-5-11 20:21:39.1|Debug|ProcessProvider|Found 0 processes to kill
16-5-11 20:21:39.1|Info|ProcessProvider|[2170]: Killing process
16-5-11 20:21:39.1|Info|ProcessProvider|[2170]: Waiting for exit
16-5-11 20:21:39.1|Info|ProcessProvider|[2170]: Process terminated successfully
16-5-11 20:21:39.1|Info|InstallUpdateService|Waiting for external auto-restart.


At this point Sonarr waits 5 seconds for it to be restarted by an external process (upstart, systemd, etc) then starts it it hasn’t started.

How is Sonarr being started when your NAS starts?
Are there any mono or NzbDrone processes running after the update?

Hey Markus,

Thanks for the reply. This is how I initially configured it:

cat > /etc/systemd/system/sonarr.service << EOF
Description=Sonarr Daemon


ExecStart=/usr/bin/mono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe -nobrowser TimeoutStopSec=20


Add Sonarr to startup:
systemctl enable sonarr.service

I don’t believe there were any NzbDrone processes running after the update seeing as though there was no mention in the logs that it started up again or anything. I had just rebooted the NAS since I was away from home and this was the easiest way for me to get Sonarr back up and running again remotely.

systemd should be able to start it back up, but you’d lose the ability to shutdown Sonarr from the UI. More info in this thread:

If Sonarr isn’t started in the 5 seconds it should log Starting NzbDrone as an information log message and then start up. To troubleshoot further you’ll need to enable ((debug logging)) and look at the logs when an update is started to get the update command, if the update fails you’ll want to start Sonarr up again and get the process ID for it then use that new ID in place of the old one and try running the update manually. Probably quickest to switch to the develop branch and test it as there is already a build available and they are much more frequent.

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