Sonarr not renaming or moving with deluge

my sonarr is not renaming or moving any files.
it creates the series folders, but never any season folder inside.

i use deluge

please help :smile:

i cleared log and tried download and refresh library, this is the log.
15-12-15 09:01:14.3|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [The Big Bang Theory : S09E03]
15-12-15 09:01:14.8|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 3 releases
15-12-15 09:01:16.5|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to Deluge. The.Big.Bang.Theory.S09E03.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION
15-12-15 09:01:16.5|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
15-12-15 09:03:44.2|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [Brooklyn Nine-Nine : S03E06]
15-12-15 09:03:44.8|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 4 releases
15-12-15 09:03:46.5|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to Deluge. Brooklyn.Nine-Nine.S03E06.720p.HDTV.x264-FLEET
15-12-15 09:03:46.5|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
15-12-15 09:05:55.3|Info|SceneMappingService|Updating Scene mappings
15-12-15 09:05:56.7|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for The Big Bang Theory
15-12-15 09:05:57.0|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [80379][The Big Bang Theory]
15-12-15 09:05:57.1|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [80379][The Big Bang Theory].
15-12-15 09:05:57.1|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for The Big Bang Theory
15-12-15 09:05:57.1|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for The Big Bang Theory
15-12-15 09:05:57.2|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for Brooklyn Nine-Nine
15-12-15 09:05:57.3|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [269586][Brooklyn Nine-Nine]
15-12-15 09:05:57.4|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [269586][Brooklyn Nine-Nine].
15-12-15 09:05:57.4|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for Brooklyn Nine-Nine
15-12-15 09:05:57.4|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for Brooklyn Nine-Nine
15-12-15 09:05:57.4|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for Game of Thrones
15-12-15 09:05:57.6|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [121361][Game of Thrones]
15-12-15 09:05:57.7|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [121361][Game of Thrones].
15-12-15 09:05:57.7|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for Game of Thrones
15-12-15 09:05:57.7|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for Game of Thrones
15-12-15 09:05:57.7|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for Marvel’s Agent Carter
15-12-15 09:05:57.9|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [281485][Marvel’s Agent Carter]
15-12-15 09:05:57.9|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [281485][Marvel’s Agent Carter].
15-12-15 09:05:57.9|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for Marvel’s Agent Carter
15-12-15 09:05:57.9|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for Marvel’s Agent Carter
15-12-15 09:05:58.0|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
15-12-15 09:05:58.2|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [263365][Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
15-12-15 09:05:58.2|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [263365][Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.].
15-12-15 09:05:58.2|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
15-12-15 09:05:58.2|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
15-12-15 09:05:58.3|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for The Walking Dead
15-12-15 09:05:58.5|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [153021][The Walking Dead]
15-12-15 09:05:58.5|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [153021][The Walking Dead].
15-12-15 09:05:58.5|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for The Walking Dead
15-12-15 09:05:58.5|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for The Walking Dead

Please post a couple minutes of trace logs to hastebin, don’t do a library refresh, that only scans existing files on disk.

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