Sonarr not post-processing SABnzbd and Freenas

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Mono
OS: FreeNAS-9.3-STABLE-201604150515
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):

I have just moved from SB to Sonarr to try it out; however, I am having a nightmare trying to get Sonarr to post-process.

Basically, when I try to download something from Sonarr it sends the item to SABnzbd and downloads successfully. After this I am presented with a folder with the following folder:

A random bunch of letters, when I check the status in Sonarr i get the following two errors:

Here is my Sabnzbd setup with sorting turned off; however. I do have the categories tv

Finally the paths of my jail…

Please help I have been around so many forums and cannot find the solution anywhere and I could leave it with SABnzbd sorting turned on; however, its beginning to drive me crazy.

SAB is telling Sonarr to check for the files in a sorted TV folder by the looks of it, did you just disable sorting in SAB or did something sort those previously?

Which mono version?

We need to see these logs.

No files found to import means Sonarr either can’t see the files in the folder (permissions) or there is something preventing it from processing it, an obscured release filename shouldn’t be an issue though.

Thanks for getting back to me…I’m running sonarr on freenas and how can I retrieve the debug information?

From the log files, which you can get from the UI (after enabling debug logging).

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