Sonarr not moving files

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows Server 2010
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue: Not Moving Files

Hello Guys,

I know there a ton of topics about this and I’ve read them all but somehow I am overseeing things.
My Sonarr is not moving my downloads to the correct folder. It just copies them.

This is a common issue from what I’ve seen on the internet (alot of Sonarr newbies like me I guess) but for some reason I cannot get it to work (which it did in the past).

I’ve tried so many things but somehow it just wont copy the files.

I am using Sonarr on my Micro HP server Running window server 10.
I use SAB NZBD and uTorrent to download all the files. 90% is downloaded via SAB NZBD.

I created the categories in SABNZBD and gave them the right path (D:\Download\Complete\Series and \Movies for the other) this doesn’t work. I also tried to put both paths in 1 folder (so both paths are on download\complete), didn’t work either.

My Media settings in Sonarr are:

Create Empty series folder YES
Use hardlinks instead of copy YES
Ignore delete episodes YES
Download Propers YES
Analyse Vidoe Files YES

Download Client in Sonarr are:

Complete Download Handling Enable YES
Complete Download Handling Remove YES

Failed Download Handling Enable YES
Failed Download Handling Enable YES

Drone factory map, well when I leave it default (blank) my files wont be moved, when I give in a path (tried several) they wont move either.

I dont have post processing enabled in SABNZBD as I’ve read that causes issues with Sonarr.

I just checked the logs (written in Dutch so wont be any use to you guys I guess?) and I saw an error message saying:
EpisodeFileMovingService : Unable to set last write time : Cannot get permission to file because the file is being used by another process.

So anyone has any clue? Or could help me to get this annoying issue solved?

Thanks alot in advance.

Grtz Sjoerd (NL)

That can happen if Windows Explorer is open to a folder that Sonarr is trying to update, but it also means the file was already moved. We’ll definitely need to see ((debug logs)).

Dear Markus,

THanks for your quick reply! Much appreciated.

Hereby my Debug logs in Hastebin.
Hope it works!

Those aren’t debug logs.

The errors follow what looks to be a manual renaming of episodes, not importing, so its unrelated.

Do these releases show up in Sonarr’s queue?
If yes, if you hover over the icon on the left side, what does it say?

Hi Markus,

Thanks for comming back to this post.
I do see a que in Sonarr but those are only files that are downloaded at the moment, not completed files.

If I hover over the “CLOUD” item it says “DOWNLOADING and the name of the file”.

See here for debug logs:

You need to enable ((debug logging)) otherwise the only thing you get is the startup of Sonarr.

If they are showing as downloading that means Sonarr sees them as downloading in SAB.

Depends on what you mean here, SAB needs to unpack and delete (+Delete) the releases so Sonarr can import them, but you don’t need a post processing script or sorting enabled in Sonarr.

Well I copied the content of sonarr.debug.txt I assumed this was de debug log.
I’ve enabled debug logging in the settings and created a new one:

The categories in SAB now have +Delete. The post processing script is disabled.
No succes unfortunately.

The logs indicate a successful import from uTorrent (either copied or hardlinked). What’s something that should be imported thats in SAB? Setting +Delete would retroactively extract things that previously finished, so they would need to be extracted manually.

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