The first thing I need to say, is the box running Sonarr, only comes on twice a day, once in the morning (1.5 hrs), and once in the evening (1.5 hrs) , since this may be of importance.
I have noticed that occasionally that Sonarr will not always pickup an particular upgrade in quality. However if I press the automatic search button, it will find the upgrade, and put it into the queue.
Now I understand that the Rss Feeds are being parsed to search for updates, but is the time between the NAS running, causing an issue, if so how can I resolve it?
I am running Sonnar, on a Synology with Mono 3.10.0-2.
I have another Nas, running sickbeard, which I am migrating away from, which did run an 1.5 hrs early the same day and picked up the upgraded quality version in question. I only mention this, to indicate the episode was in available.
The issue is because it’d only only for a short period of time twice a day. Sonarr doesn’t search for upgrades if cutoff hasn’t been met (no plans to change things), but will search for missing episodes if they were released while the NAS was sleeping.
At this time the only way to resolve this is to have the NAS awake more often.
We plan to page RSS results in the event they haven’t been downloaded on some time, but that’s not a feature we’re looking at short term.
Missing episodes are searched for in the RSS feeds when the NAS wakes up, but if the baseline quality episode has been found earlier (lets say HDTV-720), then the RSS feeds are not checked for an upgraded quality episode (Say Web-dl 720), when the NAS wakes up later.
If this is the case, is this because of concerns for application performance? It is a bit of a gap, unless you are expecting the boxes to run 24/7?
I suppose I could go and set the baseline quality to be of a higher quality, but that would mean I effectively have one crack at an episode, where as the HDTV / Web dl quality split allows for a bit more redundancy. Or make sickbeard grab HD TV as my fall back… mmmm that may work.
No, the RSS feeds are still checked, but there is a limited number of items on them (100), during peak times that doesn’t last long, even during slow times thats probably only a few hours. Sonarr doesn’t use the indexer’s searching capabilities when there is already a file on disk hoping for an upgrade, it uses RSS-only for upgrades (or someone hitting search themselves).
Its not application performance its to avoid hitting API limits and not needlessly hit indexers, RSS is much more efficient at getting results, 1 call gets 100 results for multiple series instead of getting a few results for one episode via searching.
Like you said you could increase the minimum, but then you could miss something, because there isn’t a quality released, pretty pointless for Sonarr to search for an upgrade in that case so we decided not to do it.
If you want to reduce the number of upgrades missed the easiest way would probably be to power up the NAS periodically to check the RSS feeds more often.
Clearer understanding now. I think once my Sonarr Nas becomes my primary Nas, then it’s up time will increase, and probably these issues will fade away.